Wednesday, 29 August 2018

September Services

Please join us in September for Worship Services starting at 10 am.
Calvary will be joining us for the month of September.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Summer Months

This summer, things are changing.
Sunday Worship Services will be at 10 am.

For the month of July please join us at Asker Lutheran Church.

For the month of August please join us at Calvary Lutheran Church.

Monday, 26 February 2018

Lent Readings

As we move through the season of Lent, we are reading passages together, learning about the passion.

First week of Lent
Matthew 26 and 27
Things to notice as you read:
Jesus' arrest;
Jesus before Pilate and Temple Priests;
Jesus before Pilate;
The Cross;
The Burial.

Second week of Lent
Mark 14 and 15
Things to compare with Matthew as you read:
Jesus' arrest;
Jesus before Pilate and Temple Priests;
Jesus before Pilate;
The Cross;
The Burial.

Third week of Lent
Luke 22 and 23
Things to compare to Matthew/Mark as you read:
Jesus' arrest;
Jesus before Pilate and Temple Priests;
Jesus before Pilate;
The Cross;
The Burial.

Fourth week of Lent
John13, 14, 15 and 16
Things to compare with Matthew/Mark/Luke as you read:
Jesus' arrest;
Jesus before Pilate and Temple Priests;
Jesus before Pilate;
The Cross;
The Burial.

Friday, 9 February 2018

My One Word

Have you seen the movement regarding My One Word?

Through bible study and prayer you discover one word to guide you through the year. One word to pray over and deepen your relationship with God.

In this world of fast paces and easy fixes, one word can help you to focus on God, draw on his strength and HEAR him through your daily tasks. How is your life affected by One Word?